Young People's Resources

Young People's Resources

Supported self management >>

Moving On Up (Tasmanian Primary Health Network together with the Tasmanian Health Service) – Learning to manage your own condition while you are supported by your family, carers and health care team, is important as you grow and work towards independence. Moving On Up is a Tasmanian resource that provides learning goals for different ages

Parenting supports >>

Raising Children – the Australian Parenting website (Raising Children’s Website)

Nutrition and exercise >>

Healthy Kids (Department of Health Tasmania)

High energy eating (Royal Children's Hospital)

Nutrition and Food Services Resources (Royal Children's Hospital)

Sleep >>

Sleep health fact sheets (Sleep Health Foundation Australia)

Mental health and wellbeing >>

Health concerns >>

General factsheets on young people’s health issues (Royal Children’s Hospital)

Hearing concerns (Department of Health Tasmania – Statewide Audiology Service)


Constipation (Royal Children's Hospital)

Bed alarm resource for parents (Ramsey Coote)

Bedwetting - children (Continence Foundation of Australia)

Daytime wetting (Continence Foundation of Australia)

Soiling (Continence Foundation of Australia)

Disclaimer: this website contains general health information and does not replace the advice of a health professional.

Always contact ‘000’ in an emergency.

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