
Giving children a healthy start sets them up for life!  Here you will find key information about eating and physical activity for raising healthy Tasmanian kids.

Link to information for mumsLink to information on babiesLink to information on early childhood 1-5 years

Link to information on School Aged ChildrenLink to information on young peopleLink to Blogs and Videos

Healthy Kids Resources

Start Them Right

Health on the Shelf

Start Them Right
- A parent's guide to eating for under 5s

Health on the Shelf

An easy read guide on how and what to feed your child from birth to five years.

A selection of story books for children from Libraries Tasmania about food, culture and living well which you can borrow for free.

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Healthy Kids Partners

Link to the Healthy Tasmania portal

Link to Move Well Eat Well website

Tasmanian School Canteen Association inc. Helping keep Tassie Kids Healthy

Link to the Family Food Patch website

Latest News

  • Let's Talk About Children in Bigger Bodies 18 Feb 2020

    “I am worried about my child’s weight gain? I do not want them teased or to miss out because they have a bigger body” Parent

    This is a common concern and often a reason for parents to seek out help for their child and their weight. It can become a tricky path to take. Find out more

  • Why I Cook for Me and Not My Kids 14 Feb 2020

    One way children learn about food and eating is from you. So how does this work if you are preparing family meals based just on the limited foods that suit your child? Read more to find out how

  • Finding Your Family's Sweet Spot 14 Feb 2020

    “I often feel like a bad parent when I give my children lollies. I hear it’s okay to give them sometimes but what does that mean?” Parent

    ‘Healthy eating’ can and does mean eating and enjoying a variety of foods. This can include foods that are lower in nutrition but are delicious and fun. Yes, this means you can include foods like chocolates, sweets, pastries and cakes sometimes. How often you include these foods is up to you. Find out how

  • Keep an Eye on Kids on Hot Days 11 Jan 2020

    Warm summer days can mean a chance to head outdoors and play. On very hot days, however, children need some extra care. Children don’t always know when they are getting too hot. This can be because they are having fun and distracted. But the main reason is their body systems that help them regulate heat aren’t fully developed. On very hot days, children can get dehydrated quickly. This puts them at risk of heat illness. Read more

  • How to Clean Water Bottles 01 Apr 2020

    Did you know it is recommended that water bottles are washed as often as you wash your drinking cups and glasses? If you don't, they can become smelly and mouldy so, keeping your family's water bottles clean and stored correctly is important. Take a look at your families water bottles… maybe they’re ready for a bit of a clean! Read here to find out how