
Giving children a healthy start sets them up for life!  Here you will find key information about eating and physical activity for raising healthy Tasmanian kids.

Link to information for mumsLink to information on babiesLink to information on early childhood 1-5 years

Link to information on School Aged ChildrenLink to information on young peopleLink to Blogs and Videos

Healthy Kids Resources

Start Them Right

Health on the Shelf

Start Them Right
- A parent's guide to eating for under 5s

Health on the Shelf

An easy read guide on how and what to feed your child from birth to five years.

A selection of story books for children from Libraries Tasmania about food, culture and living well which you can borrow for free.

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Healthy Kids Partners

Link to the Healthy Tasmania portal

Link to Move Well Eat Well website

Tasmanian School Canteen Association inc. Helping keep Tassie Kids Healthy

Link to the Family Food Patch website

Latest News

  • Waste Free Lunchboxes 01 Jun 2018

    How do you pack a waste free lunchbox? This means only using material, which can be composted, recycled or reused to pack lunches. No plastic wrap, zip lock bags and pre-packaged foods. Nothing ends up in the garbage bin and you won’t be adding to landfill. By doing our bit to help the environment we often end up packing foods that are good for us too. Read more

  • Toddler Drinks: Hype or Helpful? 30 Mar 2020

    Breastfeeding is the normal way to feed a baby. During baby’s first 12 months, breast milk is their main source of nutrition. If breastfeeding is not possible use a commercial infant formula until baby turns one. Then switch to full cream milk from a cup. Toddler milk drinks or stage 3 formulas are cow’s milk powder with added flavours, vitamins and other additives. They are not essential for the healthy growth and development of toddlers. While there are many benefits to breastfeeding a child older than 12 months, this is not the case for formula feeding. Read more

  • Kids Party Menu Planning 23 Feb 2018

    On the surface, planning a child's birthday party food seems like an easy task, but as many parents know, deciding what to offer can get tricky. Read more

  • Getting baby off to a solid start 03 Jun 2019

    Starting solid food is a big step for babies, and while it’s an exciting time it can also be quite challenging.

    What foods do you start with? Will baby eat them?

    Commercial baby foods are popular choices, but how do store-bought baby foods compare with homemade foods in cost and nutrition? Read more about starting solid food

  • Move and play every day in early years 20 Feb 2020

    The 24 Hour Movement Guidelines are a guide for parents and carers to create healthy and safe daily routines for children under five, to support growth and development.

    The right mix of physical activity, enough sleep and less time sitting (for example in front of screens) is good for learning, thinking, the growth of strong bones and muscles, and lots of other health benefits. Read more about movement and play in the early years