George Town District Hospital and Community Service

Hospitals closed to visitors

All hospitals in Tasmania have been closed to visitors.

There will be exemptions for:

  • A person providing support to a patient for the birth of a child
  • A parent or guardian visiting a dependent child or adult who is a patient
  • A Guardian of a patient
  • Visitors of patients receiving end of life care
  • A person to provide assistance to a patient, if the patient requires physical assistance, assistance with communication or comprehension or assistance with any legal or administrative requirements

Even if visitors meet the criteria for an exemption, they still need to be considered well to be permitted to visit and should not visit if they have a cough, sore throat, fever or other symptoms of acute respiratory infection. In addition, visitors must not have been a recent close contact of someone with COVID-19, or someone who is suspected of having COVID-19, or anyone who has returned from interstate or overseas in the last 14 days.

The George Town District Hospital and Community Services provide 15 acute care beds, physiotherapy and visiting services. Other services provided by the Hospital include Community Nursing, Home Help/Personal Care and Home Maintenance.